This web site has been created, as my way of sharing with others, the hard work I put into this writing
class. Throughout the semester, I have learned more about my writing style and the writing process through peer and
instructor feedback.
I have enjoyed the flexibility that comes with an online course. Reading and writing have always been important
to me, but I have never ventured into the creative non-fiction genre; therefore, it has been interesting and fun to try my
hand at something new. I feel that I have learned a lot about myself as a writer and hope to pass this newfound knowledge
on to my own students in an effort to motivate them in portfolio writing.
Please use the navigation bar at the top to visit each site where you will find links to papers, poems, short stories,
and plays.
Events and Announcements Updated 4/29/08
Although this web site is for my Advanced Composition work, there will be poems, short stories, and other works from
a previous Creative Writing Class.
Check back often for updates and new material.
For more information on Stephen King's books, check out his web site at:
"Read four hours a day and write four hours a day. If you cannot find the time for that, you can't expect to become
a good writer." Stephen King
"I try to write the books I would love to come upon, that are honest, concerned with real lives, human hearts, spiritual
transformation, families, secrets, wonder, craziness — and that can make me laugh. When I am reading a book like this,
I feel rich and profoundly relieved to be in the presence of someone who will share the truth with me, and throw the lights
on a little, and I try to write these kinds of books. Books, for me, are medicine." Anne Lamott