Running Head: Engaging Classrooms
Engaging Classrooms: How to Keep Children Active, Motivated, and On-Task throughout an Entire Class Period
Veronica M. Johnson,
Christopher Cheatwood, and Nicole Reed
Educational Psychology
Dr. Brian Boehman
Western Kentucky University
Spring 2008
Veronica M. Johnson,
Christopher Cheatwood, & Nicole Reed
Dr. Brian Boehman
Educational Psychology
28 April 2008
Scientist Albert
Einstein once said, “It is the supreme joy of the teacher to awaken joy in creative
expression and knowledge.”
Students that are able
to spend time exploring and developing their natural aptitudes and interests in a constructive way are more apt to enjoy learning. But not every student is going to enjoy every subject they have to take in school,
so they tend to “tune out” instruction. Students then become idle,
both at school and at home. The word idle
is defined as time “not spent or filled with activity, not kept busy, or to pass time doing nothing” ( , 2008); therefore, idle time in the classroom can be seen as non-instructional
periods when students aren’t engaged in continuous activities, their brains are not active, and learning is not taking
place. Idle time occurs when students complete assignments quickly and are left
without work, when the teacher has not fully prepared or has under-prepared for the class, and especially when there is a
substitute teacher. When children are allowed too much idle time they tend to
want more of it, instead of instructional time. This makes it hard for the teacher
to bring the class back into focus for learning. When a student has nothing left
to do in class and they are just sitting there, problems can occur such as fidgeting, talking, disrupting the class, disturbing
other classmates, and sleeping. Keeping children active, motivated, and on task
is one of the primary responsibilities of teachers.
The more interesting
assignments are the more likely teachers are to find students actively engaged in learning, on task, and immersed in the work
presented to them. In order to do this, teachers must use their students’
extracurricular and community experiences in the classroom to make instruction more engaging.
Each child has special abilities and when each student’s talents are displayed then the classroom will come alive
and students can learn from each other. Students that are also allowed to use
these talents on group assignments and homework are also given the opportunity to use their creativity to enhance the learning
environment. Students who participate in TPS (Think, Pair, Share) with a partner
or in groups tend to work harder and contribute more to class. Another way to
make classrooms more interesting is to group students by special interests or common learning styles for group activities
or projects. The follow eight steps will help provide an active classroom include:
1. Don't
talk too much. Use the first 15 minutes of class for lectures or presentations, then get
the kids working.
2. Break
the class period into two or three different activities. Be sure each activity flows
smoothly into the next.
3. Keep
all students actively involved. For example, while a student does a presentation, involve
the other students in evaluating it.
Ensure course materials relate to students' lives and highlight ways learning can be applied in
real-life situations.
5. Allow
students to have some degree of control over learning.
6. Assign
challenging but achievable tasks for all students, including at-risk, remedial, and
learning-disabled students.
7. Arouse
students' curiosity about the topic being studied.
8. Design
projects that allow students to share new knowledge with others.
C & Fager, J, 2000)
Other factors of the
classroom environment, such as seating arrangement and student behavior, can effect how long students remain on task and engaged
in their work. Have different materials in the classroom that students can get
out of their seats to look at. Sitting for extended periods of time can have
negative effects on young bodies and mental processing. (Powell, Sara, 2005)
Howard Gardner- “The
brain learns best when the body is actively involved in exploring physical sites and materials.” (Powell, Sara, 2005)
Student motivation is
essential to creating a positive learning environment; therefore, every teacher needs to develop a unique way in which to
motivate their students in the classroom. Motivating students can be one of the
biggest hurdles a teacher can face. Research tells us that the teachers who are
most successful in engaging students develop activities with students' basic psychological and intellectual needs in mind
(Brewster, C & Fager, J, 2000). In general, students need work that develops their sense of competency, allows them to
develop connections with others, gives them some degree of autonomy, and provides opportunities for originality and self-expression
(Brewster, C & Fager, J, 2000). The challenge teachers’ face, then, is to create a learning environment that attends
to all or most of these needs. Most students will do just enough to get by, leaving
a gap in the learning process. If students are presented with schoolwork that
actively engages them by building on what interests them, any prior knowledge they have of the material, can develop a sense
of competency and a connection with others, receive some degree of autonomy, and be provided with opportunities for originality
and self-expression then they will be more likely to connect with the lesson and follow through with the learning process. Rewards and incentives are a wonderful way to motivate students
in the classroom. By correctly answering questions, teachers can throw candy
to students. This activity makes them want to answer questions and it
also wakes them up because it is a surprise. Students
can also be rewarded for wrong answers if they demonstrate that they are actively thinking and are on the right track. Although an engaging classroom can help all students, highly motivated students,
on the other hand, do not need as much stimulation to stay on task and complete assignments.
They participate in class, complete homework, and study for tests for the sheer want and desire to learn. Peer pressure is also a huge factor when it comes to motivation.
Students tend to gravitate toward and make friends with those who hold the same interest as they do; therefore, students
who are prone to succumb to peer pressure by friends who are not as motivated or studious will fall into the trap of not completing
assignments or studying for tests, which will result in falling grades. The
“pour it out” and “keep it flowing” models of teaching also demonstrate that, in order for students
to continue learning, they need a continuous flow of material. (McIlrath, D.,
& Huitt, W., 1995)
There are a variety
of ways for teachers to keep track of student progress, but time management logs, kept on a daily or weekly basis, will ensure
that students stay on task. Teachers can also use time management logs to further
develop their own time management techniques, as well as teaching the students their how to track their daily schedule. These logs should be sent home so that parents are kept aware of class activities
and homework. Another way for teachers to keep students on task would be to over
prepare for the day by producing multiple assignments. If students don’t
complete what assignments they have been given, they should stay busy for then entire class period, but if they do complete
the assignments, then there will be more they can do. This way, learning is continuously
taking place and teachers will not have to worry about idle time.
Homework should
have a clear purpose, be relevant to students' lives, and be challenging. While
not all children have an environment at home that is conducive to learning or support from parents who are willing to work
with them, homework serves many purposes. It allows them the chance to review
and practice what they have learned, prepare for the next day’s lesson, and raise academic achievement. The best way for students to be successful with homework, though, begins with the teacher. Steps that a teacher should take to ensure success are: explain
homework expectations, be consistent throughout the entire school year, do not make assignments too long, make sure students
understand the directions, and provide a variety of assignments so that students don’t get bored doing the same thing. Students who complete their homework are also better able to participate in classroom
discussions, leading to a more interactive class. Homework that students are
able to begin working on in the class will keep students engaged, active, motivated, and on task. If students can get their parents involved, it is possible that more learning can take place. Also, allowing students the freedom of choosing the approach they take on their project or homework by
giving them options on what different types of projects they can do, such as a paper, skit, song, model, etc. provides them
with ownership in their own learning. Along with getting parents involved with
homework, teachers can also get parents involved with their student’s academics by providing them with a parent/student/teacher
contract. This contract fully explains what roles and responsibilities each person
takes in the student’s academia, gives the student ownership of their learning, and keeps the parents involved.
While there is
a plethora of ideas, tools, and services that teacher’s have at their disposal to use in the classroom, no classroom
and no group of children are exactly alike. It may take years of trying a variety
of methods to find out what works best for each individual teacher, and it may also take numerous tries during the beginning
of each school year due to the diversity of students. Teachers need to provide
the following to keep students engaged: interesting and different activities,
movement around the room to keep students motivated and alert, offer rewards and incentives, give them options for projects
and homework to allow for creativity, grouping of students by special interests and common learning strategies, motivation,
time management techniques, parental involvement, and homework that is stimulating but not overwhelming. It is possible to gain students’ attention, keep them busy, active, engaged, and on task if you are
able to incorporate everyday situations, interests, and creativity into lesson plans and assignments.
Time Management Log
Student Name ___________________________
Year ___________________________
Task List |
8:00 |
9:00 |
10:00 |
11:00 |
12:00 |
1:00 |
2:00 |
3:00 |
4:00 |
5:00 |
Adapted from
As a parent/guardian, I will:
Show respect and support for my child,
the teachers, and the school.
Support the school's discipline policy.
Provide a quiet, well-lit place for study
and supervise the completion of homework.
Attend parent-teacher conferences.
Talk with my child each day about his
or her school activities.
Monitor my child's TV viewing.
Assist with at least one school or classroom
Read with my child for at least 10 minutes
each day and let my child see me read.
As a student, I will:
Always try to do my best work.
Be kind and helpful to my classmates.
Show respect for myself, my school, and
other people.
Obey classroom, school, and bus rules.
Show respect for property by not stealing
or vandalizing.
Come to school prepared with my homework
and my supplies.
Believe that I can and will learn.
Spend at least 15 minutes each day studying
or reading at home.
Talk with my parents each day about my
school activities.
As a teacher, I will:
Show respect for each child and for his
or her family.
Make efficient use of learning time.
Provide a safe and comfortable environment
that's conducive to learning.
Help each child grow to his or her fullest
Provide meaningful and appropriate homework
Provide necessary assistance to parents
so they can help with assignments.
Enforce school and classroom rules fairly
and consistently.
Supply students and parents with clear
evaluations of progress and achievement.
Use special activities in the classroom
to make learning enjoyable.
Demonstrate professional behavior and
a positive attitude.
Now, hand in hand, we will work together to carry out this contract.
______________________________ _______________
Parent signature/date
Student signature/date
______________________________ _______________
(Starr, Linda, 2004)
Anita (2007). Educational psychology. (10th ed., p. 417) Boston,
Massachusetts: Pearson Education, Inc., Allyn and Bacon.
Starr, Linda (2004). Creating a climate for learning:
effective classroom management techniques. Retrieved March 7, 2008, from Education world: the educator's best friend Web site:
C, & Fager, J (2000). Increasing student engagement and motivation: from time-on-task to homework. Northwest Regional
Educational Laboratory, Retrieved March 29, 2008, from
Davis Powell, Sara. (2005). Introduction to middle
school. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Education, Inc.
(1995-2008). Manage your time with mind tools. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from Mind
Tools Web site:
Search Institute. (2005). Your classroom: simple ways to create a positive learning
climate (1st ed.) [Brochure].
Minneapolis, MN: Marilyn
Retrieved March 28, 2008, from Web site:
McIlrath, D., & Huitt, W. (1995, December). The teaching-learning process:
of models. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University.